The Truth About Softness
We are taught to varying degrees, that softening is a passive process. That to soften is to opt out, stop caring or even disconnect. That softness is a weakening, apathy, resignation.
We are taught to varying degrees, that softening is a passive process. That to soften is to opt out, stop caring or even disconnect. That softness is a weakening, apathy, resignation.
We are taught that purpose is something we must search for and find – but in the grasping so much is lost, and for many it seems somewhat elusive, and so forever out of reach.
I passionately believe that coaching is a person–to–person healing profession; one whose very purpose is to enable people to step into the fullness of what it’s like to be human.
Life is dynamic; everything is in motion, especially we people and our energy. Relationships and loyalties ebb and flow over time, moving in relation to everything else, responding to the forces at hand.
Imagine if 300 years ago I’d told you that I could feel a magical energy in the sky that that I sensed had an extraordinary amount of untapped power? That it couldn’t be seen (except occasionally, in the weather, where it can light up the sky), but could make your hair stand on end without even touching you and even had the power to both stop and start your heart.
We intuitively understand how to live healthily in ‘systems’ because we exist in, belong to and interact with them every day of our lives.
When was the last time you listened to your body?
Beyond knowing that you’re tired. Beyond being able to list your aches and pains, or recount the many illnesses you’ve endured.
I don’t wear a watch, there are no clocks in my house, nor is there a calendar; yet I mark the new and full moon, take stock of my life at every birthday and use the window between Christmas and New Year to set intentions for my life. A curious relationship with ‘time’, yet a relationship nonetheless. We are all connected to it in some way, acutely aware of its omnipresence and its role in our lives.