Live and lead consciously

You’re thriving at work and in the rest of your life – you’re successful and happy. You’re also a little restless - bold, curious, and thirsty with a desire to experience more dimension, texture and truth in all that you do. You want to live big, with greater depth and meaning in every way possible. At Space With-In we enable people like you, who have a strong sense there’s something ‘more’ to life, to both lead and live more consciously.

The work we do together connects you more closely with your personal centre, so that you can build stronger relationships, have more awakened conversations, and make purposeful decisions. Not just in the boardroom, but at home and in your community too.

We do this so that you can make a healthy, connected, sustainable impact on your world and the people in it. And so that you leave things better than you found them for the generations that come after you.

Calm Down, Wake Up

Our work together brings you deeper into your sense of presence and truth, mind, body and spirit. It calms you down so that you can wake up. It settles you down and invites you to show up fully. It builds your capacity to see, feel, hold, do and be more.

Cultivate Spirit

We offer soulful systemic coaching 121, with teams and with groups in organisations all over the world. We typically work in a bespoke way, co-creating the right development experience alongside the individuals, teams and groups we partner, and we also run signature programmes and . Most of the work we do is with senior commercial leaders in business, and we support HR leaders too – offering systemic consultancy and counsel as a way to enable more health and flow in the organisation.

We attend to the tiny details and the big picture. We sit on benches and in circles. We drink tea, share stories and share silence. We think and we feel. We sit still and we move. We go deeply inward and consider context. We work deep and broad. We look around and behind as well as forward, inside-out and outside-in. We listen and we speak out. We reflect, and we take action. We ask more questions than we answer. We remember more than we learn. We are alpha and beta, masculine and feminine, fire and water, earth and air.

A touch of magic

Traditionally our work would be described as executive coaching and OD consultancy - we work for the health of the whole system at every level. In truth though, this is alchemical, transcendental soul work that’s difficult to describe in words. You have to be in it and feeling it, to know what’s really possible. That’s why if you’re a business leader, HRD or coach who is curious about this stuff, we invite you to have a cup of tea with us and see what happens.

Strong foundations

Many teachings influence this holistic, systemic, human-centred work. We are guided by schools of spirituality, psychology, poetry and philosophy, meditation, embodiment practices, systemic constellations, therapeutic approaches, more traditional executive coaching and of course deep commercial understanding and experience. But what really drives and shapes this work is a deep desire to bring more flow and ease to life and a belief that this is possible for us all.


We believe that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts, and that there’s magic in co-creation and collaboration. We work with other brilliant people and groups in dynamic ways that serve the ever-changing unfolding nature of work and life. Together.

Laura Beckingham

Founder at Space With-In

Though she coaches executives in business, and has a corporate background herself, Laura is in many ways the antithesis of an executive coach. She is often described by her clients as a Witch, who brings her intuitive and psychic gifts to this work. She created Space With-In to bring more spirit and soul to the commercial world.

Laura partners individuals, teams and groups in deep transformational and grounding enquiry. She runs our group development programmes Finding Space, and Slow Down, Step Back, See More (in partnership with Natalie Goni). She hosts our podcasts ‘Calm Down, Wake Up’ and ‘Space in the City’ She also works as a coach supervisor, teaches Yoga Nidra, Yin Yoga and meditation and serves tea ChaDao style.

Stay connected

Discovering more; being informed; means keeping in touch


Experiences: The Sanctum - A Yielding

Though most of our work is done in corporate organisations, we do run some open programmes and experiences that are available for all – places and spaces where people like…

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Experiences: The Sanctum, A Settling

As the heat and intensity of summer begin to fade, and autumn season moves in, I invite you to find solace in solid ground with me, in community, for regular…

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Experiences: The Resonant Chamber 24/25

Though most of our work is done in corporate organisations, we do run some open programmes and experiences that are available for all – places and spaces where people like…

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The Loom

Experiences Though most of our work is done in corporate organisations, we do run open programmes and community experiences that are available for all. This includes The Resonant Chamber and…

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Experiences: The Sanctum, Sanguine Season

In a world that’s burning, sacred spaces invite us to gather in stillness and community around the fire of life, to sit with the darkness so we can bring forth…

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Experiences: The Sanctum, Tender Season

Though most of our work is done in corporate organisations, we do run some open programmes and experiences that are available for all. This includes regular Yoga Nidra classes and…

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Experiences: The Solo Sanctum

This summer, for the first time, we will experience something different in our Solo Season – instead of meeting as a group for live ceremony, you will receive guided sessions…

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The Sanctum - Blossoming Season

Experiences: The Sanctum, Blossoming Season

‘What a strange thing to be alive beneath cherry blossoms' Once again, you’re invited to join me in community for regular sacred ceremony in The Sanctum, the Blossoming Season

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Experiences: The Sanctum, Whispering Season

Winter is a time for stillness and deep listening – a time where we are called to pay attention to the subtle, nebulous things, and to that which lies beyond…

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Experiences: Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation

Meditation doesn’t change what’s happening in life, but an established practice can support you in building the capacity to hold and be with things as they happen.

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The Sanctum Landing Season 2022

Experiences: The Sanctum, Landing Season

The bridge between sacred practice and everyday living goes both ways. In the powerful portal of The Sanctum, we are invited to stand on, and perhaps experience how we might…

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The Sanctum Golden Season 2022

Experiences: The Sanctum, Golden Season

Alchemy: The transmutation of matter into gold. A seemingly magical process of transformation, creation or combination. I invite you to join me in The Sanctum for our Golden Season.

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Vernal Season

Experiences: The Sanctum, Vernal Season

As we travel the tail end of winter, into the beginnings of spring, I invite you to join me in The Sanctum for our Vernal Season.

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CDWU_Podcast_Resting into stillness

Calm Down, Wake Up: Yoga Nidra: Resting in to stillness

This Yoga Nidra practice invites you to find the stillness beneath the ever-present motion of life. Soft, restful, restorative practice to settle mind, body, and spirit.

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CDWU_Podcast_Dirga Breath

Calm Down, Wake Up: Pranayama: Dirga Breath

Pranayama is the ancient practice of what we might now call ‘Breath work’. It is one of the eight limbs of yoga. Join us for this gentle yogic 3-part breath…

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As the Birds Land

One day, Laura met The Muse - an energetic portal into a beautiful rich seam of age-old wisdom that is deeply relevant to our lives today. Messages began to come…

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Soft Sadhana

Sadhana is a Sanskrit term, meaning ‘regular spiritual practice’. In modern terms, this can of course mean many things – meditation, prayer, breath work, movement etc, as long as these…

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