Experiences: Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation
Meditation doesn’t change what’s happening in life, but an established practice can support you in building the capacity to hold and be with things as they happen.
Meditation doesn’t change what’s happening in life, but an established practice can support you in building the capacity to hold and be with things as they happen.
The bridge between sacred practice and everyday living goes both ways. In the powerful portal of The Sanctum, we are invited to stand on, and perhaps experience how we might better navigate that bridge-building awareness of our inner worlds, so that we can cultivate capacity to meet the outer world and all that shows up there with more presence, grace and ease.
Alchemy: The transmutation of matter into gold. A seemingly magical process of transformation, creation or combination. I invite you to join me in The Sanctum for our Golden Season.
As we travel the tail end of winter, into the beginnings of spring, I invite you to join me in The Sanctum for our Vernal Season.
This Yoga Nidra practice invites you to find the stillness beneath the ever-present motion of life. Soft, restful, restorative practice to settle mind, body, and spirit.
Pranayama is the ancient practice of what we might now call ‘Breath work’. It is one of the eight limbs of yoga. Join us for this gentle yogic 3-part breath practice – Dirga breath, which is considered a foundational practice in pranayama.
One day, Laura met The Muse – an energetic portal into a beautiful rich seam of age-old wisdom that is deeply relevant to our lives today. Messages began to come forth through her and a collection of stories gathered, wanting to be shared – As the Birds Land was born.
Sadhana is a Sanskrit term, meaning ‘regular spiritual practice’. In modern terms, this can of course mean many things – meditation, prayer, breath work, movement etc, as long as these practices are undertaken with an intention to connect more deeply to our inner selves, and the world around us. What is key to Sadhana, is that whatever practice is chosen, it is done regularly (daily) and rhythmically.
This season, as we journey into the dark half of the year, we’ll meet again for regular sacred ceremony in The Sanctum. In each circle, held weekly, we’ll share tea ritual, listen to poetry and guided wisdom, and connect in silent meditation and reflective space.
In partnership with Ria Ingleby, we invite you to join us for a silent gathering on September 24th – a quiet, deep, yet gentle exploration for body, mind and spirit.
Silence is rarely experienced, and really needed. Practising silence allows us to surface and contact hidden truth and wisdom. That’s why we’ve created this gathering for you – so you can tap in below the noise to what wants to be revealed and known.